Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Winter Min

Hey, it's winter and it's a new year. Get out there and embrace the healthy cold. Yes, research tells us that while an unhealthy person may suffer a weakened immune system and hence, be susceptible to rhinoviruses and influenza viruses that make us sick with flu or cold, it has another effect on all of us.

When we spend time out of doors and capture that winter sun, we arm our bodies with vitamin D; a necessary ingredient in the battle against illness. Additionally, being active outdoors builds core strength, circulatory and respiratory responses that keep us strong and energetic. Combine that activity and vitamin D with a good diet, and the only thing the cold temperatures give us is immune health.

Germs cause colds and flu, not cold weather. So why do people get sick in colder weather? Two major reasons for this are as follows: In cold weather people spend more time indoors where viruses are just waiting to get to them. Secondly, NOT being out in the winter sun lessens our absorption of vitamin D, which we get from the sun. Even in the season where the sun is less or hardly prevalent at all, we can still get vitamin D from being outside during the sunny times, even in Alaska for those short hours of faint sunlight.

Yes, winter cold is an immune booster and the old wives tale that cold causes sickness, is as far from accurate as is throwing a peeled potato over your shoulder will cure warts. Yup, that's another old wive's tale.

The key to being outside is staying warm. Don't go out hiking all day in your cotton jeans with a Fall jacket. Dress in layers and stay warm enough to be comfortable. Remove layers when sweating and add layers when at rest. You will thrive and enjoy numerous benefits, including a strong immune system!

It's FREE medicine. It's part of a health care program no one should ignore.

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