Thursday, May 3, 2018

Minimize to Maximize

There is no greater inspirational metaphor for life than backpacking and living out of doors. Globally, the bane of our existence is our insatiable desire for comfort, show and luxury. As a result, our personal health and well-being suffer while we try to carry a pseudo-happy attitude through the crowded and cluttered streets of our lives.

This delusion infects all of society and culture. Consequently, we find ourselves groping for anything to mitigate the pain and lack of fulfillment including: pills, electronic devices, mood-altering foods and chemicals, expensive cars, homes, toys and more. Ironically, the very indestructible-sense-of-well-being we seek to possess, eludes us, all while the natural world and the finger of god are beckoning us to a satisfying and sustainable life of peace, contentment and an abiding joy. This is simplicity. This is minimalism. This is the recipe and the design for happiness. Lighten the load! Embrace what is real! Have less, do more, be more.

We are Mountain Min. Seize the day, choose life!

Mountain Minimalist

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