Thursday, June 28, 2018

Welcome to Mtn-Min

Welcome and thanks for stopping by! Our fun, educational and inspirational July is almost underway. Be sure to follow us as we offer innovative and ultra-minimalist gear ideas for the outdoor enthusiast as well as life hacks to help you in reducing dependence on "things" and freeing up your time and life to the natural wonders and soul-soaring intangibles that await you.

We'll be discussing and sharing posts, videos and photos of minimalist philosophy in action. Whether it's using natural material to carry little or nothing in your backpack or the concepts and ideals that are the catalyst for preparing and eating food with a minimalist drive, using water, building immune function, sleeping techniques, using fire when appropriate, mitigating common risks to health and mobility, footwear options and barefooting, and also, how to have fun and go to bed smiling and waking up refreshed and free!

See you right here again, soon!


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